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250 стипендий на бакалавриат и foundation в University of Warwick (Великобритания)

01 февраля 2023 года

250 стипендий на бакалавриат и foundation в University of Warwick (Великобритания)

Знаменитый Университет Уорвика опубликовал информацию о своих стипендиях на программы undergraduate для тех, кто планирует начать обучение осенью 2023 года.

University of Warwick входит в ТОП-10 лучших вузов Великобритании (во всех рейтингах), занимает 78 место в мировом рейтинге Times-2022 и 61 место в мире в QS-2022. Входит в ТОП-10 вузов Великобритании по размерам зарплат своих выпускников.

Почти 20 специальностей университета входят в мировом рейтинге QS в ТОП-100 по качеству преподавания:
• Статистика
• Компьютерные науки и информационные системы
• Математика
• Английский язык и литература
• Бизнес и менеджмент
• Экономика
• Философия
• История
• Театральное искусство
• Социология
• Психология
• Право
• Коммуникации и медиа
• Политика и международные отношения

Полный алфавитный список специальностей, которые можно получить в Университете Уорвика смотрите в конце статьи.


small green-tick Всего иностранным студентам на 2023 год вуз предлагает 250 стипендий:
20 полных стипендий, покрывающих 100% от стоимости обучения!
160 стипендий по 13.000 фунтов (50% от стоимости обучения)
70 стипендий по 2.000 фунтов (10% от стоимости обучения)

Начало обучения: осень 2023 г.

Крайний срок подачи заявки на поступление в вуз: начало мая 2023 г.

На какие специальности могут претендовать кандидаты на стипендию: программы foundation и все бакалаврские программы вуза, кроме медицины.

Условия получения стипендии:

  • Подача документов на поступление в вуз до 01.05.2023 г. и "принятие места" от вуза не позднее 18.05.2023.
  • Высокая успеваемость (чем выше оценки, тем больше шансов получить высокую стипендию).
  • Владение английским языком на достаточно высоком уровне (для бакалавриата IELTS 6.5, а для foundation – IELTS от 5.5 до 6.0 в зависимости от специальности).
  • Необходимо написать эссе (max. 400 слов) на тему “What makes you excellent?”. Содержание эссе: Что Вас мотивирует в жизни и в учебе, как знания, которые вы получаете, могут принести пользу обществу, как, получив образование в Уорвик, вы сможете сделать мир лучше?


Accounting and Finance (BSc)
Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year) (BSc)
Ancient History and Classical Archaeology (BA)
Ancient History and Classical Archaeology with Study in Europe (BA)
Automotive Engineering (BEng)
Automotive Engineering (MEng)

Biochemistry (BSc)
Biochemistry (MBio)
Biochemistry with Industrial Placement (MBio)
Biochemistry with Placement Year (BSc)
Biological Sciences (BSc)
Biological Sciences (MBio)
Biological Sciences with Industrial Placement (MBio)
Biological Sciences with Placement Year (BSc)
Biomedical Science (BSc)
Biomedical Science (MBio)
Biomedical Science with Industrial Placement (MBio)
Biomedical Science with Placement Year (BSc)
Biomedical Systems Engineering (BEng)
Biomedical Systems Engineering (MEng)

Chemistry (BSc)
Chemistry (MChem)
Chemistry with Industrial Placement (MChem)
Chemistry with International Placement (MChem)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (BSc)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (MChem)
Civil Engineering (BEng)
Civil Engineering (MEng)
Classical Civilisation (BA)
Classical Civilisation with Study in Europe (BA)
Classics (BA)
Classics (BA) (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Classics (Ancient Greek) with Study in Europe (BA)
Classics (Latin) with Study in Europe (BA)
Classics and English (BA)
Computer Science (BSc)
Computer Science (MEng)
Computer Science with Business Studies (BSc)
Computer Systems Engineering (BEng)
Computer Systems Engineering (MEng)
Counselling and the Psychotherapeutic Relationship (BA) (with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Cyber Security (BSc)

Data Science (BSc)
Data Science (MSci)
Digital Healthcare Science (BSc)
Discrete Mathematics (BSc)
Discrete Mathematics (MEng)

Early Childhood (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Economic Studies and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Economics (BSc)
Economics and Industrial Organisation (BSc)
Economics, Politics and International Studies (BSc/BA)
Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (EPP) (BA/BSc)
Education Studies (BA)
Education Studies and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BEng)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (MEng)
Electronic Engineering (BEng)
Electronic Engineering (MEng)
Engineering (BEng)
Engineering (MEng)
Engineering Business Management (BEng)
English and Cultural Studies (BA) (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
English and French (BA)
English and German (BA)
English and Hispanic Studies (BA)
English and History (BA)
English and Italian (BA)
English and Theatre Studies (BA)
English Language and Linguistics with Intercalated Year (BA)
English Literature (BA)
English Literature and Creative Writing (BA)

Film and Literature (BA)
Film Studies (BA)
French and Economics (BA)
French and German (BA)
French and History (BA)
French and Italian (BA)
French and Linguistics (BA)
French and Theatre Studies (BA)
French Studies (BA)
French Studies (BA) (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
French with Film Studies (BA)

German and Business Studies (BA)
German and Economics (BA)
German and History (BA)
German and Italian (BA)
German and Linguistics (BA)
German and Theatre Studies (BA)
German Studies (BA)
German with Film Studies (BA)
Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Global Sustainable Development and Business Studies (BASc)

Health and Medical Sciences (BSc)
Health and Social Policy (BA) (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Hispanic Studies (BA)
Hispanic Studies and Economics (BA)
Hispanic Studies and French (BA)
Hispanic Studies and German (BA)
Hispanic Studies and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Hispanic Studies and History (BA)
Hispanic Studies and Italian (BA)
Hispanic Studies and Linguistics (BA)
Hispanic Studies and Theatre Studies (BA)
Hispanic Studies with Film Studies (BA)
History (BA)
History (BA) (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
History and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
History and Italian (BA)
History and Philosophy (BA)
History and Politics (BA)
History and Sociology (BA)
History of Art (BA)
History of Art with Italian (BA)

Integrated Science (MSci)
International Business with French (BSc)
International Business with German (BSc)
International Business with Italian (BSc)
International Business with Spanish (BSc)
International Management (BSc)
Italian and Classics (BA)
Italian and Economics (BA)
Italian and History of Art (BA)
Italian and Linguistics (BA)
Italian and Theatre Studies (BA)
Italian Studies (BA)
Italian with Film Studies (BA)

Language, Culture and Communication with Intercalated Year (BA)
Law (LLB)
Law (4 Years) (LLB)
Law with Study Abroad in English (LLB)
Law and Business Studies (BA)
Law and Sociology (BA)
Law with French Law (LLB)
Law with German Law (LLB)
Law with Humanities (BA)
Law with Social Sciences (BA)
Liberal Arts (BA)
Life Sciences and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Linguistics with Arabic (BA)
Linguistics with Chinese (BA)
Linguistics with French (BA)
Linguistics with German (BA)
Linguistics with Italian (BA)
Linguistics with Japanese (BA)
Linguistics with Russian (BA)
Linguistics with Spanish (BA)

Management (BSc)
Management with Foundation Year (BSc)
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (BEng)
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (MEng)
Mathematics (BSc)
Mathematics (MMath)
Mathematics and Philosophy (BA/BSc)
Mathematics and Physics (BSc)
Mathematics and Physics (MMathPhys)
Mathematics and Statistics (BSc)
Mathematics and Statistics (MMathStat)
Mechanical Engineering (BEng)
Mechanical Engineering (MEng)
Media and Creative Industries (BA)
Modern Languages (BA)
Modern Languages and Economics (BA)
Modern Languages and Linguistics (BA)
Modern Languages with Linguistics (BA)

Neuroscience (BSc)
Neuroscience (MBio)
Neuroscience with Industrial Placement (MBio)
Neuroscience with Placement Year (BSc)

Philosophy (BA)
Philosophy and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Philosophy and Literature (BA)
Philosophy, Literature and Classics (BA)
Philosophy with Psychology (BA)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) (BA/BSc)
Physics (BSc)
Physics (MPhys)
Physics with Astrophysics (BSc)
Physics with Astrophysics (MPhys)
Physics with Business Studies (BSc)
Politics (BA)
Politics and International Studies (BA)
Politics and International Studies with Chinese (BA)
Politics and Sociology (BA)
Politics, International Studies and French (BA)
Politics, International Studies and German (BA)
Politics, International Studies and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Politics, International Studies and Hispanic Studies (BA)
Politics, International Studies and Italian (BA)
Politics, Philosophy and Law (PPL) (BA)
Psychology (BSc)
Psychology and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Psychology with Education Studies (BSc)
Psychology with Linguistics (BSc)

Social Studies (BA) (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Social Studies (BA) (2+2 with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Sociology (BA)
Sociology and Criminology (BA)
Sociology and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)
Systems Engineering (BEng)
Systems Engineering (MEng)

Theatre and Performance Studies (BA)
Theatre and Performance Studies and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)

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