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Магистратура в Австралии с февраля 2015 года! Не пропустите зимний набор!

10 сентября 2014 года

В странах Европы основным набором в университетах считается осенний, в том время как в Южном Полушарии главным считается набор зимний – февральский.
Специально для тех, кто планирует начать учебу в Австралии, мы подготовили подборку магистерских программ, обучение на которых можно начать уже в феврале 2015 года.

Ознакомьтесь с вузами, с их программами (по ссылкам) и обращайтесь в Students International для практической помощи в зачислении!

Обращаем внимание, что в большинство австралийских университетов при поступлении требуется показать уровень английского языка не ниже IELTS 6.5. И, кстати, если текущий уровень владения языком не дотягивает до требования, то, можно ДО начала обучения небольшую подготовительную программу, чтобы подтянуть свой академический английский.

Университет: Bond University
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Master of Accounting (Professional)

Master of Business (Professional)

Master of Finance (Professional)

Master of Actuarial Science (Professional)

Master of Actuarial Practice

Master of Architecture

Master of Communication (Professional)           

Juris Doctor

Master of Construction Practice (Professional)

Master of Sustainable Environments and Planning (Professional)

Master of Project Management (Professional)

Master of Real Estate (Professional)

Университет: Griffith University
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Master of Finance

Master of Professional Accounting

Master of Business/Master of Human Resource Management

Master of Business/Master of Marketing

Master of Information Systems/Master of Supply Network Management

Master of Marketing/Master of Supply Network Management

Master of Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control

Master of Information Systems and Information Technology Management

Master of Information Technology

Master of Electronic and Computer Engineering/Master of Electronic and Energy Engineering

Master of Information Systems/Master of Supply Network Management

Master of Architecture

Master of Environment

Master of Urban and Environmental Planning

Университет: Macquarie University
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Master of Accounting (CPA Extension)

Master of Commerce with a specialisation in Financial Crime and Governance

Master of Accounting (Professional)

Master of Biotechnology

Master of Biotechnology and Business

Master of Information Technology with a specialisation in Internetworking and Cyber Security

Juris Doctor

Master of Information Technology

Master of Accounting (Professional) with the degree of Master of Commerce with a specialisation in Actuarial Studies

Master of Sustainable Development

Master of Environmental Planning

Master of Accounting (Professional) with the degree of Master of Commerce with a specialisation in Finance

Master of Commerce with a specialisation in Finance

Master of Commerce with a specialisation in Corporate Governance

Университет: University of Technology, Sydney
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Master of Business Administration

Master of Business in Marketing Extended

Master of Professional Accounting Extended

Master of Business in Finance Extended

Master of Business in Human Resource Management Extended

Master of Business in Management Extended

Master of Business in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Master of Health Services Management and Planning

Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration

Master of Engineering Studies Master of Engineering Management

Master of Arts in Information and Knowledge Management

Master of Media Arts and Production

Master of Animation

Master of Engineering

Master of Project Management

Master of Environmental Engineering Management

Master of Science in Internetworking (Extended)

Master of Architecture

Juris Doctor

Master of Science (Advanced)

Университет: The University of New South Wales
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Actuarial Studies (Extension) 

Applied Linguistics  


Aviation Management

Biomedical Engineering 

Commerce (Extension) 

Criminal Justice & Criminology  

Cyber Security



Environmental Management

Food Science 

Food Science & Tech (Extn)

Health Management (Ext) 

Information Technology

International Relations

Journalism and Communication 

Juris Doctor 

Mining Engineering 

Risk Management

Translation & Interpreting

Urban Develop & Design (Extension)  

Университет: Monash University
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Master of Accounting

Master of Actuarial Studies

Master of Advanced Engineering

Master of Architecture

Master of Advanced Marketing

Master of Applied Linguistics

Master of Banking and Finance

Master of Business

Master of Business Information Systems

Master of Business Law

Master of Communications and Media Studies

Master of Diplomacy and Trade

Master of Economics

Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability

Master of Information Technology

Master of Interaction Design

Master of International Business

Master of International Relations

Master of Journalism

Master of Journalism and Master of International Relations

Master of Laws (Juris Doctor)

Master of Marketing

Master of Professional Accounting

Master of TESOL

Master of Tourism

Университет: Edith Cowan University
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Master of Environmental Management

Master of Science (Environmental Management)

Master of Science (Biological Sciences)

Master of Science (Chemistry)

Master of Business Administration International

Master of Finance and Banking

Master of Human Resource Management

Master of Marketing and Innovation Management

Master of Professional Accounting

Master of Project Management

Master of Professional Communications

Master of Computer Science

Master of Cyber Security

Master of Science (Computer Science)

Master of Engineering

Master of Engineering Science

Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

Master of Public Health

Master of Science (Sports Science)

Master of Arts (Performing Arts)

Университет: Curtin University
Предлагаемые магистерские программы:

Master of Science (Environmental Biology and Management)

Master of Science (Sustainable Aquaculture)

Master of Architecture

Master of Commerce (Advanced Accounting CPA Australia Extension Major)

Master of Business Administration (Global)

Master of Health Administration

Master of Supply Chain Management Major (MCom)

Master of Commerce (Marketing)

Master of Commerce (Professional Accounting: CPA Australia Extension stream)

Taxation Major (MCom)

Master of Science (Computer Science)

Master of Engineering Science (Electrical Engineering)


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